30 October 2008

Sucking at Blogging

I continue to suck at blogging, and continue to have no excuse. And yet, I continue to write on occasion (messages like this) in order to exhort all to keep the faith. I'll be back, just as soon as I have the time and I figure out what the hell I write this damn thing for anyway.

I'm in Mass. at the moment with Beth, visiting (and meeting) her family--most importantly her brand spanking new nephew--and friends. We've been sweeping back and forth across the state, east to west and west to east, and we're currently in Auburn, MA, visting with her mother.

Along the way, we've been stopping into used bookstores, as I'm trying to get rid of a number of books that I cleaned out of my parents' house on the way up here. Luck has not been overly kind, though I have gotten rid of one (out of four) box and replaced it with five books that I'm very excited to dive into.

We'll be back in Asheville by the end of the week, and I"ll surely have some photos to share of our trip, as well as some photos of some new art pieces that I've been working on.

Oh, and next week I start taking a pottery class (with Beth as teacher), so I"ll sure have much to share in that regard.

More soon.

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