Tomorrow morning, very early, I will leave to head Northeast to the bustling metropolis of Bakersville, NC. Upon arriving, around seven o' clock, after an hour's drive, I will begin day one (of four or five or six) of assisting in the raising of a timber frame house.
I don't know much about the process, though it apparently involves cranes, heavy lifting, hammering, and other such things. Below, you can see a picture of what I believe is a somewhat typical timber frame home.
What is quite interesting about these structures is that they use (apparently) no nails, but are rather held together using wooden pegs and a variety of joints.
I'll try and regularly update with pictures of the process, though considering the twelve-hour days ahead of me, this may be more difficult than I think.
More soon.
You are correct, need that crane. The bents are assembled on the ground, and raised one by one. It's amazing to watch. Let us know how you do Chris!