13 October 2007


Dear Natascha from Morocco,

I am sorry that you found my posts on Morocco to be offensive, as they were meant to be anything but that. Nonetheless, I do not apologize for any content in this blog. I report what I feel and see while I am traveling, even if at times this is an "inconvenient truth."

As per your specific complaints:

1. In the post entitled "Sex in Morocco" I was reporting what I was told by a number of Moroccan men during my most recent stay in the country. Please note the certain use of irony and jest when reporting what was for me a few very interesting conversations.

2. Regarding the videos of my friend's house: You seem to feel that I unfairly posted these videos without his permission. This is untrue. It is, in fact, the opposite of the truth, as my friend was perhaps more excited than I about creating and sharing these videos.

3. Regarding your complaint that I am a Western something-or-other, I can do nothing to change my birthplace. You say that if I don't like your country, I should stay away. This is unfair and ridiculous, as I love Morocco, I have always loved the companionship and friendship of Moroccans, and I hope to return many times.

I hope that this clears this up for you.

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