It has been a busy few days and things don't show any sign of slowing down.
On Friday I had the opening for my solo exhibition of paintings at the
Pisgah Brewery in Black Mountain. It went swimmingly, and we had a great time. Even Beth was able to make it out, despite having been sick for a few days.
On Saturday, I awoke to find a world that had turned itself upside down. The temperature was nearing 80, the sun was shining...all was glorious. All memories of Monday's snow day (what?!) were erased, and, as one friend said, "with a taste of spring, we jumped into summer."
So, as any normal person does on such a day, Beth and I, along with our friend Cara, jumped into the car with a couple of dogs, various tents and foodstuffs, and lovely thoughts of the beach, and drove to Charleston.
It was wonderful, and sunny, and beautiful. It was also slightly marred by the fact that my thoughts of "Why don't I always act this spontaneous" were tempered by the too-late realization that, "Oh yes, I'm supposed to work this Sunday and practice with Sirius.B."
Next time my spontanaeity will have to be tempered by a quick look at Google Calendar (which, if you haven't discovered it yet, is amazing) before I jump in the car. Still, though "mistakes were made," the trip was wonderful, and we all had a great time eating seafood and enjoying the sun...
Now, it's back to real life -- lots of work, lots of time with other creative endeavors, lots of time running around....But if the weather stays like this, all is looking rosy.
I'll put up some lovely pictures of the adventure soon.